also known as (aka.) "Black Panther (TM)" (uses higher frequencies than Cobalt Shade technology)
(Only for the serious professional)
Does not "glow" and can not be detected by using a cheap pocket UV or black light
Bablefish language translation for text on this on language desired:
(Note: all audio tracks, video clips and instructions are in English):
"Knowledge is Power" with NU-CONcept marked cards |
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For security purposes, the frames shown above are not the actual frames which we recommend. However, the lenses are actual Ultra-Luminous lenses. NU-CONcept only uses high quality designer frames and, if desired, we may be able to manufacture Ultra-Luminous lenses and place them in your sunglass frames.
Note: The above photo is not the owner of NU-CONcept. But, they are photos of the actual Ultra-luminous sunglass lenses. Another vendor calls these sunglasses, ink and daub Black Predator.
<Click arrow below to play audio track> - Ultra-Luminous - Part 1
<Click arrow below to play audio track> - Ultra-Luminous - Part 2
<Click arrow below to play audio track> -
Are you better off marking your own luminous cards vs. pre-marked luminous cards ?
Download the above audio tracks: Ultra-Luminous - Part 1.mp3 (6MB) OR Ultra-Luminous - Part 1.WMA Ultra-Luminous - Part 2.mp3 (4MB) OR Ultra-Luminous - Part 2.WMA OR Are you better off marking your own luminous cards vs. pre-marked luminous cards ?.mp3 |
Every several years a technology evolves into a superior form. NU-CONcept is one of only 3 worldwide distributors for this new technology. All three distributors have different marketing names for this technology. But, NU-CONcept adds value to this product for the same price. While NU-CONcept would have liked to have said that we discovered Ultra-Luminous (TM) Shade, but, the patent rights belong to the inventor who prefers to stay anonymous.
Ultra-Luminous (TM) Shade's distribution is being highly controlled by the inventor. But, each distributor has control of it's own marketing and product brand name. NU-CONcept is one of these resellers.
IMPORTANT: Recently, an Asian competitor has tried to copy Ultra-Luminous technology. NU-CONcept has seen and worked with this Asian "knock-off" product and is is proud to say that Ultra-Luminous uses a different formula and higher grade chemicals than this Asian competitor. You will also notice that the Asian product looks like the marks "glow". This "glowing effect" is enhanced when photographed or if the cards are viewed with a black or pocket (key chain) UV light in the background. While "glowing" marked cards look good in an advertisement, they have problems in the "real world".
NU-CONcept Ultra-Luminous marked cards can not be detected by using a black (UV) light ! In addition, NU-CONcept's Ultra-Luminous sunglasses use designer frames and higher quality, hand made lenses which are finished by a custom optical lab. NU-CONcept 's, optional, contact lenses (priced separately) also have major advantages over other contact lenses. Finally, you will also find the the NU-CONcept Ultra-Luminous marks are easier to see and is easier to apply than our new Asian competitor's product....especially under certain lighting conditions.
Please feel free to contact NU-CONcept if you have any questions OR if you have already ordered the Asian luminous product, please feel free to contact NU-CONcept and we will be happy to compare the different products (even though they are both called "luminous".) As you may suspect, we are very much aware of each products advantages and disadvantages. Like everything in life, all products have pros and cons. and NU-CONcept is always happy to educate our customers regarding marked card technology, so they may make an informed decision.
Ultra-Luminous (TM) Shade has leapfrogged all other variations of luminous and cobalt blue shade on the market. To understand why Ultra-Luminous (TM) Shade is superior, let's look at it's advantages......
Why should you consider Ultra-Luminous over regular luminous:
For most customers Ultra-Luminous is overkill and the regular luminous marker will more than satisfy their needs. Both, the regular luminous marker and the Ultra-Luminous product is invisible to the human eye, unless you use the appropriate sunglasses.
Only professionals, who want the best should consider Ultra-Luminous technology. But, in case you are interested, here are the main differences...
Sunglasses |
Ease to mark | Cards you can mark | Mark white borders of cards | Make ad-hoc marked deck using daub/dust | |
Ultra-Luminous technology (marker or daub/dust) |
Yes |
Ultra-Luminous dust is VERY easy to use. It is, also, easier to use and more flexible than the marker |
Regular NU-CONcept Luminous marker |
No |
Regular luminous dust is very hard to use.
Unless you want to consider upgrading to Ultra-Luminous daub/dust, NU-CONcept advises using Juice Dust or N-Dust if you want to make ad-hoc marked cards. |
Why does Ultra-Luminous cost so much more than regular luminous:
Manufacturing the high quality Ultra-Luminous lenses is a time consuming process and are hand made.
The Ultra-Luminous lenses mounted in designer ophthalmic quality frames by a professional optical lab.
Formulas to make Ultra-Luminous solution/ink or daub/dust use VERY expensive military grade ingredients.
Price point was designed to insure that the technology is kept exclusive, to be used only by professionals.
Ultra-Luminous marks can not be read by using the regular luminous filter or Luminous Enhancing Sunglasses. Thus giving the user of Ultra-Luminous an extra level of security.
(Description, advantages & disadvantages)
Ultra-Luminous on PAPER cards - Video Clips
Ultra-Luminous on PLASTIC cards - Video Clips
NU-CONcept does not advise using Luminous marked cards which look like they "Glow"
Competitive Luminous marked cards which "glow" may look pretty. But, they are not as deceptive as Ultra-Luminous technology.
The 2 photographs below are NOT Ultra-Luminous marked cards
NU-CONcept NEVER enhances photographs or video clips with a hidden ("out of frame") black (UV) light
All NU-CONcept photographs and video clips give you a VERY accurate view of what you can expect the real product to look like in real life.
You will notice that Ultra-Luminous luminous marks look like "grey" marks when viewed through filtered sunglasses or contact lenses and the marks are designed not to "glow" to prevent detection with a pocket/keychain UV light.
For maximum deceptiveness, unlike our competition, NU-CONcept Ultra-Luminous and Juice products CAN NOT be detected by using a cheap pocket black (UV) light
Ultra-Luminous sunglass frames shown in the video clips above are simply an example. Ultra-Luminous sunglasses can be made in a wide variety of designer ophthalmic quality frames. Please contact NU-CONcept for details.
There are also extra security features associated with the Ultra-Luminous sunglasses, so if someone asks to look through your sunglasses they will not be able to see the marks unless they know what they are looking for and/or how the sunglasses work.
Ultra-Luminous vs. Luminous Enhancing Sunglasses
The Ultra-Luminous Sunglasses and the Luminous Enhancing Sunglasses BOTH look like normal sunglasses while they are being worn. But, the Ultra-Luminous sunglasses may be tossed on the table or lifted on your forehead and they look perfectly normal. On the other had, the Luminous Enhancing Sunglasses must be worn all the time or switched (in your pocket, lap or bathroom) for the duplicate un-gimmicked pair if you need to take them off and lay them down. In addition, since the two technologies are different, even though they are related, the sunglasses are not interchangeable because they use different filters, solutions and daub/dust.
NOTE: Other Video clips will be available shortly using other name brand cards and using Daub/dust.
Do you want a private demo before you buy ?
(Only serious buyer please !)
While PayPal is accepted for all other NU-CONcept products, Ultra-luminous is sold differently because the purchaser will be placed directly in contact with the inventor for the private demo and/or final sale.
Private demonstrations can only be done in Garden City, Long Island, New York (between JFK and LaGuardia airport) or a meeting can be set up with the inventor who is in the mid-west.
$500 demonstration fee to keep away curiosity seekers. This demonstration fee (for my time) will be fully applied towards your purchase. However, if you decide not to purchase the sunglasses, the $500 fee is NOT refundable. The customer, naturally, pays for his own travel costs.)
To recap, bear in mind that if you are a serious customer, there is no cost for my time, because 100% of the $500 demo fee will be applied to your purchase. However, if we meet in person there will be a fee to cover the cost of the meeting room, which is not included in the price....
Meeting room/office space fee in a rented private office: The customer will agree to pay for the room cost at a rate of $55 for the first hour and $22 for each additional hour. Office hours are between 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. These meeting room costs are NOT refundable AND are NOT applied to your purchase because physically meeting with a customer is normally not built into the price of the product. NU-CONcept is not making a profit for the room. We are simply passing the office space costs onto the customer at our cost.
If you would like a sample Ultra-Luminous marked card mailed to you, simply send $200 which will be applied to the $500 (non-refundable) demo fee. During the live demo or after you purchase the product, you will be able to view this same sample card through the Ultra-Luminous Sunglasses and see the marks "magically" appear.
This type of arrangement is common practice for this type and quality equipment. It also further protects the secret from curiosity seekers. This $500 demo fee is not subject to negotiation. Therefore, NU-CONcept strongly advises that only serious purchasers inquire.
This demonstration option is to allow serious buyers the opportunity to witness the system in action and to make sure that your can read the marks easily.
Purchase Price is $2,100 (The $500 demo fee will be applied to reduce this $2,100 figure, if you decide to purchase the product.)
Due to the high price of this product and since it is hand manufactured by the inventor. Please contact NU-CONcept directly to work out the details of the sale.
The $2,100 price includes the Ultra-Luminous Sunglassas and a (Ultra-Luminous marker OR daub/dust).
Purchase price for matching UN-GIMMICKED sunglasses is $250.
Purchase price for Ultra-Luminous (TM) Shade luminous daub/dust:
NU-CONcept Ultra-Luminous Daub/dust works best on paper cards (Bees, Bicycles, Aviators, Tally-Ho, etc.) AND most 100% plastic cards (Copag, Modiano, etc.) (Note: the daub is not a paste. It is actually a granule which turns into a dust which may easily applied to someone else's cards.)
Have anyone bring their own playing cards. You will not care because NU-CONcept daub/dust may be used to make "ad-hoc" Ultra-Luminous marked cards using a borrowed deck while people are watching.
0.5 grams ($600 for the "regular formula" or $650 for the "darker formula")
1.0 grams ($1,000 for the "regular formula" or $1,100 for the "darker formula")
1+ grams ($800 per gram for the "regular formula" or $900 per gram for the "darker formula")
Note: There is a daub/dust available which produces 10%-20% darker marks. There is a $100 extra charge per gram for the "darker formula".
Note: The Ultra-Luminous daub/dust is shipped in a 2 gram vial. Therefore, 0.5 grams will only fill one quarter of the jar, 1 gram will fill half the vial, etc.
1/2 gram will mark 15-25 decks of cards (**) = average cost of $30 per deck
1 Gram will mark 30 - 50 decks of cards (**) = average cost of $25 per deck
2 grams will mark 60-100 decks of cards (**) = average cost of $20 per deck
(**) You will be able to mark 30 - 50 decks per gram depending upon the size and intensity of your marks.
NU-CONcept Video Luminous (TM) Shade (sometimes called video juice) is also available. But, because of the high price, it will only be discussed with serious buyers.
NU-CONcept Video Luminous (TM) is ONLY visible when using a special camera and CANNOT be seen with the naked eye.
NU-CONcept Video Luminous will only be demonstrated using a similar "pay to see" strategy discussed above - demo costs will always be applied to a purchase and is non-refundable if you don't buy.
As you can see
Ultra-luminous is designed for the true professional who wants the "best
or the best" and can afford it.
Note: Since it is likely that Ultra-luminous is too expensive for most customers, NU-CONcept suggests using the NU-CONcept luminous marker ($109) and gimmicking your own sunglasses (included) OR use the NU-CONcept optional Luminous Enhancing Sunglasses ($99 for existing customers) on paper based playing cards for the majority of it's customers who don't want to use Juice. Juice Dust (TM), N-Dust or Juice Markers are excellent for customers who do not want to wear gimmicked sunglasses and are available in formulas which work on paper based cards as well as KEM/Copag/Gemaco/Modiano 100% plastic cards. (Please explore the NU-CONcept web site for details.) NU-CONcept solutions have been evolving for over 25 years and offers the finest solutions on the market. |
Legal Notice:
It is illegal and immoral to use any marked cards while gambling in private or casino games
All marked cards should only be used for magic, mentalism, educational purposes, casino protection or "FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY"
(Do not
cheat at poker or other game of chance, especially when gambling for money)
NU-CONcept reserves the right to refund money and/or not sell to people who plan to use it's products for any illegal activity.
General Pricing and ordering information for all NU-CONcept products
Jeff Spiller; 3280 Sunrise Highway, suite 227, Wantagh, NY 11793
NU-CONcept Solutions
"Knowledge is Power" with NU-CONcept marked cards |
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